Dr Christine Murphy is an expert in leadership and culture who holds a Doctorate in Business Administration and a Masters of Business from the RMIT University, Melbourne.
As a CEO, an award winning lecturer and facilitator Chris has a range of experience leading teams and functions. Throughout her career, Chris has advised both individuals and businesses in the state and federal public sector, education industry, not-for-profit environment and advising major multinationals and ASX listed companies. After more than 20 years in senior management and CEO roles across retail, hospitality, labour market and health. Mid career Chris decided to formalise her experience by completing a Masters degree in business followed by a Doctorate in Business Administration focusing on board leadership.
Subsequently, she focused her passion, energy and knowledge on providing a niche leadership and coaching consultancy whilst also sharing her knowledge as a senior lecturer and visiting professor with Executive MBA students across several Australian and Asia Pacific universities winning awards as the most Inspiring Lecturer for RMIT's Faculty of Business and Law for two consecutive years. Chris' formal qualifications have recently been enhanced by a certificate in Adaptive Leadership studies from Harvard University and gaining an advanced executive coaching certificate.